How to Move a Dog to a New Home Across the Country

Moving across the country is a big undertaking, and bringing your furry friend along adds extra complexity. How can you make this move as stress-free as possible for both you and your dog? Just follow these tips.

Decide How You’ll Move Your Dog

The first step is deciding how you’ll transport your dog for your cross-country move. The best choices include:

  • Drive with your dog: This option allows for the most control over your dog’s environment and can be comforting for pets who are nervous travelers.
  • Fly with your dog: Flying is faster and may be less stressful, but it requires careful planning. Be prepared to keep your dog in a crate the entire time, and check airline pet policies to ensure you meet the requirements.
  • Hire a pet transport service: For a hands-off approach, consider a pet transport service that handles all the details of moving your pet safely and comfortably.

Prepare Your Dog to Move

Proper preparation is crucial for your dog’s well-being and reduces stress for everyone involved. Follow these steps:

  • Take your dog to the vet: A checkup before the move ensures your dog is healthy and current on vaccinations. This is also a great time to discuss travel anxiety solutions with your vet.
  • Microchip your dog: If you haven’t already, get your dog microchipped for peace of mind. This improves the chances of reuniting with your pet if they get lost during the move.
  • Kennel train your dog: If your dog isn’t already comfortable in a crate, start training well before your move. A familiar, safe space is comforting during the chaos of moving day.
  • Make sure the breed is allowed: Check for breed restrictions in your new city or housing situation to avoid any unpleasant surprises upon arrival.

Help Moving Day Go Smoothly

With a little preparation, you can promote a positive moving experience for your dog. Plan on the following:

  • Pack your dog bag: Include essentials like water, food, toys, and medications.
  • Inform your movers that you have an animal: This ensures they’re aware and can be cautious around your pet.
  • Get a pet sitter while you pack and load: Keeping your dog away from the chaos reduces stress for everyone.
  • Use calming spray in the car: If your dog panics on long car rides, you can spray a pheromone product to help soothe them.
  • Take frequent breaks: Regular stops allow your dog to stretch their legs and relieve themselves, making the journey more comfortable.

Moving With Confidence

At Firefighting’s Finest Movers & Storage, we provide top-notch residential and commercial moving services in and out of Fort Worth, Dallas, Houston, and Austin. Our team of movers includes current and former firefighters trained in professional moving practices. We also offer packing services and climate-controlled storage at each Texas location to ensure your and your pet’s belongings are transported safely. As the movers you can trust, we’re dedicated to making your cross-country journey a smooth one. Contact us at 844-715-6625 for more information or request a moving estimate online.